Introducing: "We Still Do" | Sessions for the Married and Still Madly in Love

We Still Do.

Three short words, a quick phrase, with all the meaning in the world. 



It's easy to get wrapped up in married life: Getting the dishes done, the kids to school, to work on time, and somewhere, somehow, fitting sleep into the equation. 

I believe that you and your spouse, your partner, your other half deserve updated photos together just as much as you need updated portraits of your kiddos. So often at my sessions, I'll ask "mom" and "dad" to take a picture together. So often, their response is, "Oh wow. We haven't had a picture together since our wedding day!" 

That breaks my heart. 

This is still the person you chose to do life with. This is still the person that supports you, encourages you, loves you, and choses you every day. When life throws it's worst at you, this is still the person that comforts you, holds you, and stands beside you.

We Still Do sessions are completely focused around the bond of husband and wife; the steadfast love and dedication displayed through your marriage. We Still Do sessions are laid back and casual, and often done right in your home. They're intimate. They're real. They're snuggling on the couch, cooking dinner together, being romantic and silly. They give you the opportunity to document natural, unforgettable memories with your spouse. 


When was the last time you had photos taken with the love of your life? 



If you or someone you know is interested in documenting their marriage with a "We Still Do" session, please feel free to contact me with the form below.