A Week in Orange Beach


In early April, Michael's parents invited us down to the beach condo in Orange Beach, AL to fit in a little vacation before wedding season started up! We took them up on this, and also used it as our celebratory "leap of faith" vacation. Ya see, Michael had just quit his corporate office job to join me as a full time photographer and made the official jump into self-employed life! This was something we had been working on and planning for months, so we wanted to celebrate and what better way than a week relaxing on the beach? 

We got to spend the first half of the trip with Michael's parents, sister, and niece Logan. The weather was a tiny bit cold the first couple days, so we mostly hot-tubbed (no complaints here!) until the sun decided to pop out a few days into our trip. 
Once the sun was out, so were we. We wanted to fit in as much beach-time as we could before we all had to head back to Memphis.


After Michael's parents, Logan and Melissa had to make their way back to the 901, Michael and I decided to just take an afternoon and wander around town for a bit just taking photos at the marina, exploring, eventually stopping for lunch at Tacky Jacks before heading back to the beach to catch a little sun. 

35mm film | Contax G2 | Portra 160 + Tri-X 400, Ektar 100